品牌 | 歐洲CRC |
粘度指數 | 265 to 295 mm/10 |
適用車型 | 所有 |
保質期 | 5 |
3.使用本劑前,應將欲噴涂表面使用kontakt E-65清潔干凈,已獲取**附著效果。
顏色 無色液態黏稠狀
氣味 溶劑味
比重(密度)/20°C 0.93 g/cm3
耐溫范圍/長期 -30 °C to +130 °C
耐溫范圍/短期 +140 °C
溶化溫度 +190 °C
稠度 265 to 295 mm/10
40°C時的黏度 155 mm2/s
耐磨數據 F50 > 100 h
**大負荷力 45 lb
腐蝕性 0
120°C時的操作測試 ok
400g/罐 24罐/箱
德國康泰KF 1280 ND 線路板專用保護劑,德國康泰ANTISTATIK 100抗靜電噴劑,德國康泰CLEANER 601精密電子設備清潔劑,德國康泰DEGREASER 65油漬清潔劑,德國康泰DUST OFF 67冷卻除塵劑,德國康泰EMI 35防電磁干擾劑,德國康泰DUST OFF 360高壓除塵劑,德國康泰FLUID 101液態干燥劑,德國康泰FLUXSK 10無鉛助焊劑,德國康泰GOLD 2000貴金屬防銹保護劑,德國康泰FREEZE 75急速冷凍劑,德國康泰GRAPHIT 33導電潤滑劑,德國康泰KonTAFLON 85鐵氟龍干性潤滑劑,德國康泰KonTAKT 40除銹防銹潤滑劑,德國康泰KonTAKT 60電子接點清潔劑,德國康泰KonTAKT 61防銹保護劑,德國康泰KonTAKT IPA精密光學設備清潔劑,德國康泰KonTAKT PCC電路板專用清潔劑,德國康泰KonTAKT WL接點油污清潔劑復活劑,德國康泰KonTAKT ZINK 62鍍鋅劑,德國康泰LABEL OFF 50萬能除膠劑,德國康泰LUB OIL 88長效潤滑油,德國康泰MULTISCHAUM 77萬用清潔劑,德國康泰PLASTIK 70防水絕緣保護劑(三防漆),德國康泰POSITIV 20蝕刻感光劑,德國康泰PRINTER 66印刷設備清潔劑,德國康泰SCREEN TFT螢幕鏡頭清潔劑,德國康泰SILCONE 72硅質絕緣油,德國康泰SURFACE 95塑膠表面清潔劑,德國康泰TUNER 600微調設備清潔劑,德國康泰URETHAN 71耐高溫防水絕緣保護劑,德國康泰VASELINE 701液態凡士林,德國康泰VIDEO 90影音設備磁頭清潔劑,歐洲CRC 5-56多功能防銹潤滑劑,歐洲CRC BRAKLEEN 剎車系統清潔劑,歐洲CRC CRICK 120 金屬滲透探傷劑,歐洲CRC CRICK 130 白色顯像劑,歐洲CRC GALVA SHINE 鋁鋅防銹劑,歐洲CRC KF Graisse silicone 500 硅質潤滑劑,歐洲CRC LEAK FINDER 氣體檢漏劑,歐洲CRC LUBRIMOLD FG 食品級脫模潤滑劑,歐洲CRC metaL FREE PASTE 耐高溫防卡油脂,歐洲CRC MOS2 PENERATING 除銹潤滑劑,歐洲CRC MULTILUBE 多功能潤滑油,歐洲CRC MULTIPURPOSE GREASE 多用途潤滑油脂,歐洲CRC POWER LUBE 強效潤滑油,歐洲CRC QUICKLEEN 油污清潔劑,歐洲CRC SANSIL LUBORFLON MS20 耐高溫脫模劑,歐洲CRC SILICONE 食品級硅質潤滑劑,歐洲CRC SUPERCUT II 高性能切削油,歐洲CRC WHITE LITHIUM GREASE 白鋰基潤滑油,歐洲CRC ZINC 冷鍍鋅劑,歐洲CRC ADHESIVE LUBRICANTADHESIVE 高粘性潤滑劑,歐洲CRC CHAIN LUBE 食品級鏈條潤滑油,歐洲CRC ConTACT CLEANER 精密觸點清潔劑,歐洲CRC COPPER PASTE 銅基耐高溫防咬合劑,歐洲CRC FOAM CLEANER 食品級泡沫式清潔劑,歐洲CRC FOODKLEEN 食品級強力除油清潔劑,歐洲CRC GASKET REMOVER 墊圈膠除膠劑,歐洲CRC INOX KLEEN 食品級脫脂清潔劑,歐洲CRC ROST FLASHROST FLASH 急凍松銹劑,歐洲CRC SP400 II 長效防銹保護劑
CRC Zinc primer, CRC Alu hitemp, CRC Alu zinc, CRC Galva brillo, CRC Galva brite, CRC Galva forja, CRC Galva matt, CRC Galva shine, CRC Galvacolor, CRC Inox 100, CRC Inox 200, CRC Motor protect, CRC Peel off, CRC Plastifier, CRC Rust converter, CRC Sp 350 ii, CRC Sp 400 ii, CRC Urethane isolation, CRC Zinc, CRC Citrus cleaner & degreaser, CRC Graffiti remover, CRC Heavy duty degreaser, CRC Multipurpose gel cleaner, CRC Multi surface cleaner, CRC Odor neutraliser, CRC Pipe de-blocker, CRC Purifying cleaner, CRC Purifying cleaner, CRC Scale remover, CRC Traffic film remover, CRC Burner cleaner plus, CRC Fast dry degreaser, CRC Ferrokleen pro, CRC Complex blue, CRC Foam cleaner, CRC Foodkleen, CRC Graffiti remover, CRC Graffiti remover, CRC Industrial degreaser, CRC Inox weld kleen, CRC Lectra clean ii, CRC Power degreaser, CRC Professional degreaser, CRC Quickleen, CRC Quickleen extra, CRC Sugar dissolving fluid, CRC Wipes - professional, CRC Contact cleaner, CRC Dust free, CRC Dust free 360, CRC Contact cleaner, CRC Contact kleen, CRC Label off super, CRC Inox kleen, CRC Label off, CRC N.f. precision cleaner, CRC Qd contact cleaner, CRC Tft cleaner, CRC Dispenser handcleaner, CRC Grease gun, CRC Handsprayer, CRC Pumpsprayer, CRC Refill can, CRC Refill can spare parts, CRC Striping machine, CRC Multi oil, CRC 2-26, CRC 3-36, CRC 3-36 special, CRC 5-56 + ptfe, CRC 6-66, CRC Adhesive lubricant ind, CRC Contact protect, CRC Copper paste, CRC Dry lube, CRC Dry moly lube, CRC Assembly paste, CRC Belt dressing, CRC Chain lube, CRC Dry lube - f, CRC Ep food grease, CRC Extreme lube, CRC Food grease, CRC Food grease, CRC Hitemp food grease, CRC Lub oil 32, CRC Lub oil 46, CRC Lub oil pao 150, CRC Lub oil pao 220, CRC Lub oil pao 32, CRC Lub oil pao 320, CRC Lub oil pao 46, CRC Lub oil pao 68, CRC Pen oil, CRC Silicone, CRC Silicone oil, CRC Gear & wire rope lubricant, CRC Graphite assembly paste + mos2, CRC Gun care, CRC High temperature grease, CRC Lub 21, CRC metal free paste, CRC metal free paste, CRC Multi grease, CRC Penetrating oil + mos2, CRC Power lube, CRC Quick release, CRC Rost flash, CRC Silicone extra, CRC Silicone grease, CRC Super adhesive grease, CRC Super longterm grease + mos2 , CRC Super tapping compound, CRC Super tapping fluid, CRC Super tapping fluid ii, CRC Supercut, CRC Supercut ii, CRC Teflub, CRC White assembly grease, CRC White lithium grease, CRC Acryl ral, CRC Antislip paint, CRC Aqua paint marker, CRC Aqua ral, CRC Luminescent paint, CRC Marker ball, CRC Marker pen, CRC Marker paint, CRC Solid marker, CRC Striping paint, CRC Vertical marker, CRC Rom 300, CRC Belt grip, CRC Fixing varnish, CRC Handcleaner , CRC Leak finder, CRC Minus 50, CRC Rust remover, CRC Super handcleaner, CRC Anti spatter, CRC Easy weld, CRC Anti-spatter paste, CRC Bio weld, CRC Crick 110, CRC Crick 120, CRC Crick 130, CRC Robosure.