加工定制 | 是 |
額定電流 | 支線1-60(A) |
短路關合電流 | 定做(KA) |
品牌 | 浙江 |
型號 | BXM(D)56系列 |
加工定制:是 | 額定電流:支線1-60(A) |
短路關合電流:定做(KA) |
適用范圍 AppIications
適用于1區、2區危險場所;適用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC類,溫度組別為T1~T6的**性氣體環境。Can be used in hazardous areas: Zone 1 and Zone 2.Can be used in explosive gas atmospheres of Category ⅡA,ⅡB and ⅡC where the temperature classification is T1~T6.
產品特點 Features
殼體采用鋁合金壓鑄成型,表面高壓靜電噴塑;內裝高分斷小型斷路器或塑殼式斷路器,有DZ47、C65、DZ158、NM1、CM1等可供選擇;產品采用復合型,開關箱采用隔爆型結構,母線箱及出線箱采用增安型結構,腔體均設有密封圈,具有良好的防水、防塵功能;本產品具有過載、斷路保護功能,可根據要求增加漏電保護等功能;電纜或鋼管布線;可根據用戶要求特制。The housing is die cast in aluminum alloy,with high voltage static plasticsprayed surface.The shell is made of diescasted A1-alloy,inside is installed MCB or MCCB.Has DZ47,C65, Dz158,NM1,CM1 to be supplied.The box ix of combined type,its switch box is of explosion-proof structure,busbar portection and outlet comartment adopt safety -increased structure.With protections of overload and short-circuit,electricalleakage Protection is able to add to the user′s requrement.Conduit wiring or cable wiring.Special type can be made according to users request.